Launch Conference

LaunchWe all start out with a good idea for a business, but as we begin our journey we can get stuck, discouraged, and distracted.  This half-day conference will help you discover, build, and launch your business idea.  Isn’t it time you launch from stuck to profit?

Hosts: Alan Faulk and Chris Campbell

About Alan

About Chris

Date: Tuesday April 7th, 9AM-12PM

Location: Broken Arrow, OK

Conference Takeaways:

BRANDING – Discover branding and center focus on how to be influential and profitable QUICKLY!

GROWTH HACKS – Explore “Growth Hacks” to dramatically increase your income.

90 DAY PLAN – Craft a plan to launch, relaunch, or grow your business in 90 days.

MASTER MIND GROUP – Build a “Master Mind” group to encourage and network towards success.

TAILORED COACHING – Tailored coaching on progress, goals, next steps.

SUCCESS HABITS – Build daily, weekly, monthly habits that helps your business succeed.

SYSTEMS 101 – Put systems in place to work smarter, not harder.


“I’ve been in sales 20 years and been in every type of seminar you can image. This was different. It was interactive and personal. It helped me focus and zero down on my problems. I got my solution! We had a hot seat that got me instantaneous feedback from everybody in the room. They listened to the problem and everyone pitched in to help me. It was like a brainstorm on steroids!” Lori Kroh, Conference Participant

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